My babies went without rashes from chemical additives, fragrances and preservatives used in commercial wipes. I have found that the anti-fungal additives and preservatives are only needed if the bucket is not cleaned with a vinegar rinse between uses and/or if tap water is used instead of filtered or distilled water.
You will need a gallon-sized plastic bucket with a snap-on lid. Cut a small hole in the center of the lid. Clean the bucket carefully with hot water and soap. Rinse with vinegar and water. This will keep mold from forming. If mold forms the wipes will have an unpleasant odor and can contribute to diaper rashes.
Use a roll of Bounty Big Roll select-a-size paper towels. You can find cheaper paper towels, but they will fall apart. Cut the paper towel roll in half. A long serrated knife works best for this. One roll will supply wipes for two buckets.
Add two tablespoons of hypoallergenic baby bath soap to two cups of filtered or distilled water (not from the tap). Stir this well and pour into the bucket.
Remove the cardboard center from one of the half-rolls of paper towels. Place the half-roll, cut side down, into the bucket, threading the first sheet from the center of the roll through the hole in the lid and then snap the lid closed. In about 5 minutes, the towels will have soaked up the water and will be ready for use.
The ratio of 2 tablespoons baby bath soap to 2 cups water doesn't leave a yucky residue on baby’s skin. Using hypoallergenic liquid baby bath soap (or homemade), my babies didn’t have a problem with rashes. The pediatrician thought it was magic. I think it’s just because I had an economical and easy way to make sure my babies were clean and dry. I saved even more money by not needing additional lotions and potions to treat irritated bottoms. As a bonus, wipes can be used in place of hand sanitizers and makeup remover wipes.
Just pull several wipes from your bucket dispenser and place them into a water tight, clean re-sealable container. This can be a zippered bag or a snap-tight sandwich container. As with the bucket, clean these containers between uses with a vinegar and water rinse and dry them.
Grate a 4 to 6 ounce bar of homemade soap (or Fels-Naptha). Warm about 4 of cups of filtered (or distilled) water to boiling. Gradually add your grated soap and stir in each small handful so that you don’t have a clump of soap and the flakes have time to melt. When the soap is melted, blend this with enough filtered or distilled water to make a gallon. This will thicken as it cools. Use in place of baby bath soap in your wipes. It will also serve as a refill for your soap dispensers.
If your baby does get a rash, I recommend applying coconut oil to clean, dry skin. Coconut oil has anti-microbial properties and hasn’t any of the fragrances or petroleum products that are found in many over the counter products. Extra virgin olive oil is another nice oil for baby’s skin.
This article is for information purposes and designed for the reader’s benefit. Utilize these methods at your own risk, using discretion. Readers are encouraged to be well informed and draw their own conclusions.
"I think I would use grated Ivory soap before using Fels Naptha. I know that stuff is strong enough to remove grass stains. Also, if you'd like to "scent" the wipes, try adding a few drops Lavendar Essential Oil."
I find that Ivory has far too strong a scent and would not use it on an infant. That's just me. I avoid additives and fragrances if at all possible.
The reason that homemade lye soaps are able to remove stains is because they lack a lot of the additives and petrolium products found in manufactured soaps. . . It's just soap. In this application, the soaps are very dilute. I don't use any other soap on my infants than homemade lye soap, properly made.
Regarding the Fels-Naptha, that's just my second choice and it should be very dilute in this application. In my mind, after reading the ingredient list, I would use it before I would use Ivory.
As an interesting aside, did you know that because soap manufacturers have added degreasers and antibacterial ingredients to their products, it isn't good to use them in recipes for your plants? These are VERY harmful to your plants and could burn or kill them. Be wary of gardening recipes that call for liquid dish soaps. In those you should use only homemade soap, Ivory or Fels Naptha. Be careful not to use a soap in these applications that contains a degreaser or is antibacterial.
That said, when it comes to baby, Mama's instincts should be trusted. If you don't feel comfortable using a product on yourself, I certainly wouldn't want to put it on a baby.
Thanks for the comment! :D
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